Static Voltage Stabilizer (SVS)


  • All type of Automation machinary.
  • Domastic, Commercial & Industrial load.
  • Hospitals, Laboratory, Club houses etc.
  • Induction Heating, Printing Machinary, Lazer cutting & weiding Machinary.
  • All types of Motors, Compressors, Air Conditioners.
  • Auditorieam Hall,Theaters, Cold Storage, Malls.
  • Standby Source for UPS.Systems.


  1. A Static Voltage Stabilizer(SVS), is a modified & advanced generation of Servo-controlled Voltage Stabilizer (SCVS).
  2. Servo Controlled Voltage Stabilizer( SCVS) incorporated with Variacs & motors, which are mechanical and moving parts to control Output Voltage. The correction rate to control output voltage is very high.
  3. While Static Voltage Stabilizer Incorporated Semiconductors & do not involve any mechanical moving parts hence correction rate to correct output voltage is too low within One Cycle (10 to 20 Mesc).
  4. Static Voltage Stabilizer monitors the incoming supply voltage, and accordingly corrects Output voltage instantaneously.
  5. SVS involves electro-mechanical moving components, leading to wear and tear over its lifespan, requiring periodic maintenance.
Rating & Range 1 Phase 10 KVA to 100KVA
KVA Rating 3 Phase 10KVA to 500KVA
Input voltage Range 1 Phase 180V to 280Volts Or customise
3 Phase 340Volts to 460 Volts Or customise
Input Frequency +/- 3Hz
Coolig Method Natural Air Cooled
Temperature 5 to 50 Degree Celcius
Protection Class IP20
Voltage Correction Period 80% less than one cycle & 100% within less than 2 to 3 Cycles.
Protections Input Phase fail
Input High / Low Voltage
Output High / Low Voltage
Output Overload
Output Voltage Auto / Manual setting available.
Capacity 100% continuous
110% for 30 min
125% for 10min
150% 10 Sec
> 160% Instantaneous Trip
MTBF > 20000 Hrs
Configuration Available . .
Single Phase Output 10KVA 100KVA
Three Phase Output 30KVA 450KVA