Where Constant Voltage and Constant Frequency Required.
- Packaging Systems.
- Manufacturing Industries.
- Medical Labs, Hospitals & Pharmaceuticals.
- Petroleum and Textile Industries.
- Food, Hotel and Entertainment Sector.
- Defence Sector.
- Auto Cluster.
- R&D Laboratories.
- Special Processing Equipments.
- Education Sector.
- CVCF system provides Constant Voltage and Constant Frequency to critical loads.
- This system includes a Double Static Converter.
- The required level of protection for voltage and frequency is achieved through a double conversion (Rectifier + Inverter).
- The rectifier section converts AC power into DC power, which is then supplied to the inverter.
- The inverter section converts DC power into AC power.
- The output waveform of CVCF is a sinewave with the lowest harmonic distortion.
- Output frequency is maintained constant to +/- 1%.
- Output voltage is maintained constant to +/- 1%.